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Loveless forever...



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Фанфик: Спроси Соби

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название: Ask Sobie
автор: wwwyurusu.net
переводчик: Эся из Ехо
жанр: стёб/юмор
рейтинг: PG-13

о разрешении на перевод я не знаю, в источнике в шапке не написано...
читайте дальше, это ооочень весело, не ленитесь!

Спросите Соби!

Соби отвечает на несколько вопросов.

1. Почему ты ненавидишь бабочек?
Рицка не бабочка. Я люблю Рицку, поэтому я не люблю бабочек. Если бы бабочки были Рицкой, или Рицка был бы бабочкой, то, возможно, я бы их любил. Но так как Рицка не бабочка, они просто слабые летающие насекомые. Поэтому я ненавижу бабочек.

2. Сколько пачек сигарет ты выкуриваешь за день?
Обычно я выкуриваю не меньше одной пачки в день. Обычно я скучаю, слоняюсь, дожидаясь Рицки, чтобы понять, хочет ли он меня видеть или нет, поэтому я курю, чтобы скоротать время. Однако, когда я охочусь на диких кошек , я вообще не курю, ведь тонкий аромат моего присутствия помешает мне их сфотографировать для Рицки, и это меня очень расстроит. *прим.переводчика - следующее предложение я решил не портить переводом и сохранить изящность английского языка * I suppose I like to suck on cigarettes because I'm sex *Ritsuka pounces, silencing his words somewhat ineffectively* strated and deprived.

3. Как ты пробираешься на балкон Рицкиного дома?
Я летаю. На самом деле, не секрет, что Рицка хочет, чтобы я туда попадал. Он хочет, чтобы я дотронулся до его ушек и ласкал... *Рицка ещё раз его прерывает, поскольку тот касается тем неясных и фантастических, неподходящих маленьким детям*. В любом случае, он поставил лестницу, потому что боялся, что я могу пораниться. До этого я должен был карабкаться по водосточной трубе, используя только мои бинты.

4. У тебя есть работа?
Вообще, сейчас я в колледже (институте) изучаю искусство. Между этим и выполнением всех Рицкиных приказов и ответами на его звонки я слишком занят, и у меня нет времени на работу. Если бы я работал, то мог бы быть поваром или что-то в этом роде, потому что я убедил Рицку не есть БигМаки только одним своим обедом.

5. Откуда у тебя деньги на покупку Рицке нового телефона?
К счастью, Рицка чаще просто тревожно смотрит в свой телефон, чем действительно его использует, и с его счетом все в порядке. До того как я пошел в институт, я работал небольшое время и скопил количество денег, достаточное для спокойной оплаты телефонного счета Рицки. Если Рицка начнет пользоваться телефоном, а не пялиться на него, возможно мне придется пересмотреть план действий.

6. Тебе нравятся белки?
Белки? Ну, они маленькие, как Рицка, и уних длинные пушистые хвосты. А еще у них все еще есть маленькие милые ушки на голове- зловещим тоном – которые я должен устранить. Хотя они не смотрят на меня несчастными глазками, ну, может кроме случаев, когда им нужны орехи. Да…белки и Рицка похожи… Так что да, я люблю белок.

7. Каким шампунем ты пользуешься?
Лореалль – ведь я этого достоин.

8. Где ты покупаешь одежду?
С моей утонченной художественной натурой и недостатком денег я должен тратить время, ища одежду в секонд-хэндах и благотворительных магазинах. Однажды я нашел что-то стоящее, потом подогнал под себя, добавив несколько элементов и расстегнув четыре верхние пуговицы, дабы обнажить свои прекрасные ключицы и грудь.

9. Плети или цепи?
Я бы ответил плети, потому что когда Рицка в цепи это значит, что он ранен как моя Жертва, однако, это также значит, что я могу притянуть его к себе для обжигающего поцелуя. Плети хороши для тренировки выносливости, что необходимо для хорошей Жертвы, а еще они заставляют людей стонать очень эротично, так что это довольно приятно. Рицка слишком милый и пушистый для стонов, это больше относилось к Семею. Так что я предпочитаю цепи.



Вааах, какой милый бред)))))  http://i.smiles2k.net/anime_smiles/56.gif



хех "посмеялась над некоторыми ответами"



Забавно. Мне понравилось. Бедный Соби-кун как он страдает из-за Ритцки  :disappointed: * :D



Осаму Кимидзука написал(а):

7. Каким шампунем ты пользуешься?
Лореалль – ведь я этого достоин.

А меня больше этот ответ прикалывает))))))))))))))))))))))))



Осаму Кимидзука
А мне про бабочек и белочек)))))



я кстати продолжение этого фика нашла)))))
щяс сижу перевожу)))))))))))))))



Осаму Кимидзука
Оммм!!! Здорово!!!  http://i.smiles2k.net/anime_smiles/30.gif Ждем-ждем!!!



няяя)))) читал это интервью с Соби....... хотя его тут выставили полным.......... вобще то все правильно как бы - сочетается)))) но все таки не могу представить сия такого Соби))))) *истерически смеется*...... такой Соби должен сидеть с соской во рту и плюшевой игрушкой Рицки)))))



неа там еще непереведено больше половины...я нашла на одном американском сайте.



О да, я видела этот бред... Причём видела где-то под утро, часа в три-четыре... Меня, помнится, глючило, о да))) Некоторые ответы я переводила на русский... параллельно переписывалась по аське... Короче, был дурдом))) Вот, кстати, фрагментик диалога *ыыы... диалог двух полуночников...*

Minako (04:52 AM) :
*удивился* Вот уж не думал, что Соби летать умеет...
Midori (04:52 AM) :
а у него крылышки от любви выросли

Меня вообще тогда си-и-ильно глючило...)



миу нашел на Мэйл.у))) уе переведенным..... но вродь не все там было)))) так что очитаю продолжение - хотя у меня две эмоции - и смешно и плакать хочеться))))))



ну, вообще-то.. это выложено на официальном англоязычном сайте мангаги.



И вот это тоже что-ли?
Спрашиваю так как сейчас это перевожу...типа нужно ли.....

10. What is your liked underwear? - From Mara.
Really I like anything that is comfortable and easy to get out of - you never know when Ritsuka might stop angsting and admit that he really wants to lose his ears to me. Also they have to be smooth, with the amount of times I try or have pulled Risuka into my lap if it wrinkled easily when he writhed pretending that he didn't like it then it might get a little awkward.. if you know what I mean.. with all that rubbing and chaffing. *Somewhere in the background Ritsuka turns a dark shade of red at that thought.*

11. Okay, so why are you so bloody sexy? - From Whitney.
Good question. After pondering this and asking Ritsuka - who just looked at me blankly - I have come up with a few suggestions. Firstly I have piercing eyes.. yes I can see into your souls, yes Ritsuka would like to see them glazed over with pleasure and passion.. and Zero.. we'll they're weird, they like to see them in pain. Secondly I am a dominant figure, I control and manipulate the situation, I take my uke in my arms and pull him towards me.. yet at the same time you sense there is my need to submit to him, to be dominated and mastered and sit at his feet. Thirdly I have soft hair that hangs over my eyes in a classically bishounen manner when wet or I am in angst and don't want Ritsuka touching my defiled body. Fourthly I am prepared to die for the one I love.. how can that not be worthy!

12. Do you ever have the urge to yank people's cat/dog ears off for no specific reason? - From Ann.
Firstly you called me Soubi-kun.. that made me all warm inside.. Ritsuka just whines my name "Souubii" I'd like him to whine it more like "Aiii Souubiii". Anyway on to the question. Yes, I often feel like randomly yanking peoples ears off, especially Ritsuka's. I'd love to take his ears as my own.. but then we'd have to find some way to reattach his ears, rather like the lovely Zero ladies. I think a 12 year old wandering around without his or her ears may be a little too much for society to take. Oddly enough when people come into contact with me they want to yank of their own ears, whether or not that has any relevance to the question above remains to be seen!

13. How come you act so differently on "Good Morning Loveless-kun" than on the regular series? - From Jennifer
Thank you for the lovely rose you sent me, unfortunately Ritsuka is now convinced that I'm hiding a secret lover in my apartment and insists on searching every viable place that I could hide one, I can't complain though, I enjoy seeing him bending over cupboards to see what's behind. As for the question.. when I'm in the series the content of the interaction is always much more intense, I'm expected to act in a mysterious and formal manner. Aside from that Ritsuka suddenly squealing and flushing in the middle of a fight scene would, whilst amusing me, insult the opponents as barely worth his attention. I enjoy teasing Ritsuka though so it's a lot of fun for me to be able to do as I please in the extras; he's just so cute when his mind can't process the images I'm whispering into his delicate ear.

14. What are your favourite types of music, like what genres? Oh yeah, I don’t know if you do this or not, but can I please have a hug!! You're just so sexy. ^_^ *huggles* - From Oneechan101.
Since you asked so nicely.. *hugs Oneechan101* but don't tell Ritsuka or he might get jealous, the last time he spend two weeks turning my apartment upside down looking for clues and tired himself out. I couldn't help but take his fragile form in my arms and *is cut off by Ritsuka who, flailing, puts his hand over his mouth.* Anyway, I enjoy music that I can dance with Ritsuka to, just pressing into his supple, youthful body whilst a melody causes him to rub against me is the best kind of music there can be. Ritsuka though seems to like heavy metal, the amount of grinding time in that seems to be minimal as he mopes and stares at his mobile longingly wishing to call me. The screaming does little to train his ear to the sensitive noises that will one day be his, the sound of a breath against his cheek, the quiet rustle of covers in the morning as his body rolls closer to mine, the soft moa-- *Is cut off again by Ritsuka who is blushing furiously at these ideas.*

15. How did you get the 'Beloved' mark on your neck? - From Roxanna.
When Seimei found out that he was Beloved he decided that I -absolutely must- be his Sentoki, of course naturally I wasn't going to resist but he wanted to claim me as his own so no other could have me.. Seimei was just that kind of guy. One night when I was asleep he crept up with a permanent red marker and DREW the Beloved sign across my neck, as you could rightly assume when I woke up in the morning and saw it I was horrified and tried to wash it off.. alas permanent marker being what it is - permanent - prevented me from removing it and so I've worn bandages ever since! Of course this is the version of the story for below 18s, the over 18 one is much more gory and involved rusty needles.. maybe I'll tell that one some day!

16. Soubi-Kun....... What is your favourite kind of food?? I wanted to know!!! (ps can you please give Ritsuka a hug 4 me??? Thanx!!) - From Mandii-chan
First of all.. *grabs hold of Ritsuka who's innocently walking past and squeezes him, ignoring all the protestations issuing forth and demands of getting off.* That done I'm happy to tell you my favourite food is Ritsuka! *who blushes furiously trying to squirm out of his hold*. I don't especially have any food preferences and I like to cook and experiment with new flavours and textures so my favourite food of all has to be Ritsuka, his kisses are so sweet and tasty that I'm quite addicted to them *ignores Ritsuka who is trying to silence him* of course like food I'd like to sample more of Ritsuka and taste EVERYTHING on him. *Ritsuka promptly keels over in his arms with the suggestion.* I hope that answers you well enough.

17. KONNICHI WA SOU-CHAN! I have a question for you....ok.... do u think your hott? Do you think Kio's mom is hott? DO YOU THINK KIO IS HOTT!! o.O oh yeah, and how tall are you? WHATS UR PHONE NUMBER SOU-CHAN!!! - From Oneechan101, and Sakura-chan WE LUVS YOU! X3 YOUR SMEXY YO! thank you for answering this. ^^.
Who? o_O Why yes, of course I'm hot, otherwise Ritsuka wouldn't fall for me. Kio's mom is too old for me, so no I don't think she's hot. Kio is a very nice guy. <.< We don't want to get Ritsuka jealous by admitting that kind of thing. I'm 6 foot and 3 1/2 inches tall, that makes me 192 cm if you prefer it that way. The last time I gave a lady my phone number Ritsuka got so jealous when my phone rang he answered it and threatened to chew their ears off, you don't want your ears chewed off do you? Thank you for your kind comments, it's always a pleasure to answer my fans' questions even if they do make me slightly @_@ at times.

18. Dearest Soubi, I have but one question to ask. Why, oh why are you such a slut??I mean for Ville's sake, do I have to pay for the sexual hints you come with in every episode or do they just run with your package?? Say "hi" to Ritsuka from me. - From Jennifer.
Happily they run in the package, there is no need to pay for me. When your uke is as none reactive as Ritsuka is you have to radiate sexy to even gain their interest slightly, if I never made the first move and seduced him nothing would happen.. EVER.. and then I'd be a very lonely and needy Sentoki and it'd give all the fans a chance to write desperate!Soubi x Seimei or Kio.. or even that strange kid that stalks Ritsuka eyeing him evilly because of Yuiko.. and nobody wants that. Also I said hello to Ritsuka for you, sadly he saw the picture of the semi naked man you sent to me (which was very nice, thank you) and was so angered by it he threw my computer speaker at my head and now my glasses are broken. He told me to tell you that as nice as the young man was the only place I'd be sleeping was the couch as he's taken over my bed now and because of my cheating ways I'm banished. *Sobs.*

19. You once stated that you weren't into older women. The real question is, are you even into women all? *menacing music while adoring fangirls wait for their impending rejection* - From Amber.
That music is quite something Amber-chan, it's very ominous and dangerous sounding. o_O To answer your question I'm very much into Ritsuka and.. wait Ritsuka's not a woman.. so maybe I'm not into women because Ritsuka is clearly a male.. well he is when you strip him off his clothing.. not that I.. have << or tried to catch glimpses of him in the bath.. >> no not that I'd ever do that. I suppose to answer more fully.. have you SEEN the women I have to chose from? There's the teacher who's too old, Yuiko who's obsessed with Ritsuka, Zero-Females who are clearly lesbians, that strange girl who keeps trying to have me killed by Zero and Ritsuka's mother.. and don't even go there. If you had these women to chose from you'd want the adorable Ritsuka too! but you can't have him.. he's mine!

20. Does Ritsuka want you? May I also have a hug? -huggles- - From Michi.
*Glances around to see if Ritsuka is within earshot.* Of course Ritsuka wants me, he just doesn't know it yet.. once he's aged a few years and hormones have kicked in he might actually start being less shy and respond to my overtures of affection.. oh how I long for those days on the cold and long nights I have to spend on my own couch because he's kicked me out of my own bed for something I didn't even do. ; ; At the moment though he denies that he wants me because he's going through the stage of confusion as he tries to sort out his strange emotions and come to realise that he does love me really. That said, of course you can have a hug but don't tell Ritsuka or I might get kicked of the couch and forced to live outside. *Returns the hug.*

21. Did that nail zero hammered into your hand cause any lasting damage? - From Courtney.
Thank you for your concern over my injury. Luckily I'm protected by something that's called the bishounen clause which means no bishounen can get hurt, die, spontaneously combust, get mangled and generally mashed and stay that way.. you see fangirls protect us as though we're a rare species of bird and so no matter what happens in the series we will always come back fine and alive, if we died, for fanart and fanfics, thereby my hand is now perfectly functioning and as pretty as ever.

22. why do shoubi-chan love ritsuka?and you love by your heart?i don't know what you think you spoke you don't know to spell "love" but in end you spoke that :if such the day 'll come,i'll die first - From Kawamino.
I was ordered to love Ritsuka by my former master Seimei, not wanting to disobey I did as he commanded.. however I never bargained on Ritsuka being SO CUTE, the way those needy eyes just stared into me, the cute fluffy nature of his ears, the soft commanding tone of his voice! All these things I cherish about Ritsuka and found myself adoring him more. I don't quite understand the rest of your question Kawamino-san but I wouldn't want you to die so please stay alive and healthy.

23. Ok, so I have a question for you Soubi. I cannot believe that no-one had asked about it already! I love you with a really pure love, but I must know it: How and with who did you loose your ears??? - From Lotesse.
You ask a good question! If you want the more innocent and fluffy version Seimei decided he preferred my adult look so he pulled my ears off one night as a joke.. but they never grew back even though I was still.. well you know. If you want the x-rated and evil story then as part of my training Ritsu-sensei bent me over and *muffled because of the fans that are under 18 and don't need to hear such things.* You can chose which you prefer, as long as you don't tell Ritsuka.. otherwise he might become fearful one day that I'll steal his ears (which I will but he doesn't need to know!)

24. Eh soubi just a little questions. Why do you kiss ritsuka with every fight and why do you act so gay and child abusing? I dunno but ritsuka's 12 and you, his psy, classmate and well a lot off people LOVE him. What's with that? Oh just 1 more ya need to get the teach and let ritsuka/loveless have the pink girl. That would be on the upperhand a lot more normal and way more fun to watch then seeing a guy kiss a boy. Oh well that's it (I can have a lot off wrong sentences and words cause I come from Belgium) - From Amber.
Because secretly Ritsuka likes it! Also by kissing him our bond as Sentoki and Sacrifice increases, do you really want to see me nailed to the floor by Zero again? Every time we fight I'm at a disadvantage because our bond isn't strong enough so kissing him helps soothe that pain.. that and he's cute and I like it. Ritsuka's so adorable even you would love him too if you were in contact with him. Yuiko? Yes, that's a fantastic idea.. so let us imagine Loveless if Yuiko was his Sentoki instead of me and I was, instead of protecting Ritsuka, having an affair with Hitomi-sensei. "Oh Ritsuka look it's Breathless.. let's be their FRIEMDS." "Come with us Loveless." ".. No.. Yuiko initiate battle system." "Hai desu! Neko neko attack!" "... Wow Loveless REALLY sucks." -In the end-. Breathless chain Ritsuka to the floor and kick Yuiko out of the third floor window, Loveless unable to resist is dragged back to Septimal Moon and because he's so cute Ritsu-sensei takes a like to him and molests him and steals his cat ears.. instead of me. Ritsuka is so sad and depressed he tries to drown himself only to fail miserably. That is why Ritsuka needs to be my sacrifice! (And why I should kiss him, of course only so he doesn't get suicidal you see.. )

25. Lovely, powerful and perfect Soubi-san...Who do you really love?? Ritsuka-chan or Seimei-san?? - From Person With Very Long Name. (Akhkharu).
Firstly thank you for the compliments, this question is the easiest I've had so far.. the answer is obviously Ritsuka because Seimei commanded me to love him and I can't disobey my master's command.. take that as you will.

26. Okay, I've been wondering this for a while. Who is really the stronger one in the Sacrifice/Sentoki relationship. Because, Yes the fighter is the one who has to battle and such, but the Sacrifice is the one who has to endure all the pain. (The exception is of course, the Zero's). So who's really stronger? - From Sarah.
Thank you for your question, it's an interesting one. Sadly I didn't receive the little picture that you sent with your email, which might be just as well as Ritsuka's been looking through my computer every day after someone sent me a semi-naked man! Anyway, on to your question - as the *glances around to see if Ritsuka's there* seme it follows that I have to be stronger to protect my cute little Ritsuka! I could not allow anyone else to damage his frail body, or to have someone other than me take his ears off! As a sentoki it is your duty to protect your sacrifice and as a good sentoki you shouldn't allow your sacrifice to be harmed as you should be strong enough to protect him or her. Of course Ritsuka makes cute little whimpers when he gets hurt and lets me kiss him better, that's the only reason I let him get damaged at all!

27. Hello Soubi! Can I ask. What is your Favourite color? oh..can I have a cookie to? ^^ - From Tainu.
My favourite colour is the colour of Ritsuka's eyes, when they look at me shining with need, sparkling with tears or heated by anger. Or maybe I like the colour of Ritsuka's glossy hair and ears better, so soft to stroke and tempting to my senses. Or perhaps I prefer the colour of Ritsuka's skin, so soft and smooth below my touch as he attempts to look like he wants to escape even though he doesn't try very hard. I think my favourite colour has to be Ritsuka, he's full of so many wonderful colours I can't pick one to express him. *Hands over a cookie.* Thank you for your question.

28. Agatsuma Hi! Is that true that after when Seimei was dead and before you met Ritsuka you were in love with Kio but just to replace Seimei place? *Ps: kiss for you and big hug for Ritsuka! - From Daine.
! Don't email so loudly, we wouldn't want Ritsuka that start thinking those kind of thoughts! It's hard enough to get back into my own bed as it is, ever since Ritsuk-ah *is kissed and blinks as a random person runs out of nowhere and glomps onto Ritsuka.* Well that was a little random. *Defogs his glasses as Ritsuka stops producing steam from both embarrassment and jealousy.* As for your question, I can't possibly comment, after all after Seimei's death I was very lost, a sentoki without its sacrifice is a very sad thing indeed.. *Pulls a struggling Ritsuka into his lap, using it as an excuse to do so.*

29. Marvellous, beloved Soubi-san ^///^... (I know, I'm not the first one to praise you, but I couldn't stop myself)... My question may not be answerable: Actually... Does Kio admire you? (I mean, who wouldn't? But, he wants to bath you, sleep in the same bed as you oO? (me, too! ^///^ *cough cough*) *swings big \"RistukaxSoubi\"-Flag* - From Fye-Chan.
Thank you for the compliments, they are much appreciated. To answer your question, it's not something I've really considered, though it seems that a lot of people are interested in the relationship between myself and Kio. To answer you, we were very close after the death of Seimei, as I felt so lost without him in my world Kio would often have to remind me to eat and function normally, in the end he sometimes aided me to function normally, such as bathing with me and sleeping with me. He's a very good friend. I think he probably misses the closeness now Ritsuka has taken over Seimei's role and we get to spend less time together. *Secretly takes pictures of the flag for later use..*

30. I have 2 things to ask you soubi, one is, why are you going after a 12 year old?? and two is, if Ritsuka were to lose his ears to someone other than you how would you feel??(oh and one more thing, can I have a hug??) - From Ashuuri
When Seimei died he left me with a final command, to become Loveless's sentoki and to love him, being unable to disobey his command I did exactly that. Of course I wasn't bargaining for how cute Ritsuka is, so it was much more easy to fall in love with him than I anticipated. No one is taking Ritsuka's ears from me.. no one! In answer to your question though I would be angered by anyone who attempted to take Ritsuka's ears and defend him from such a person to make sure they never took his ears at all! Only I may have that - ah Ritsuka, no, no everything's fine.. no I haven't accidentally set the couch on fire again after answering more of those questions about your loss of ears.. no need to worry.

31. Hi Soubi! *gives Ritsuka plushie* What do you think goes through Ritsuka's mind when you kiss him? (Or what would you like to go through his mind?) <3 - From Robyn.
I hope that warm thoughts go through his mind as I lay my lips upon his own, that he wants nothing else but to be closer to me and to return my kisses, that he wants me to intoxicate him and steal his ear..*is suddenly silenced as Ritsuka hits in the face with a book.* ;-; In reality though I think Ritsuka is a little confused when hit him, he calls me a hentai.. but I know he likes it really. ^~ Thank you for your question, one of the least disturbing ones of this update!

32. Spoiler?...Sexy and seductive Soubi...I have a burning question...If Seimei isn't really dead, but you say you love Ritsuka because he ordered you too...then do you really love Ritsuka or Seimei more? - From KirbyShark
Thank you for your compliments, luckily Ritsuka has gone out to the shops otherwise he'd order me to turn off my computer again; I'm sure he gets jealous because so many lovely ladies and gentlemen write into me and compliment me. At least I have not received any more pictures of naked men! That really annoyed him. As for your question as to who I love more, it's a very difficult one. Seimei was such a strong master, so commanding and seme that I could not help but follow him.. but Ritsuka's so cute and small and innocent that I can't help but feel he's like and adorable lost kitten. It's a pity I couldn't have them both.. or could I..?

33. Soubi-kun, your real name is "Beloved" isn’t it? As was Seimei's, and Ritsuka's real name is "Loveless"....what will you do when the real "Loveless" fighter shows up? ;_;...so sad to think about *tear* - From Joi.
I'll always be Ritsuka's sentoki! How can people ask me such evil?! I think you must be employed by septimal moon to continue to torment me after my physical training has finished. You were sent by Ritsu-sensei weren't you, where is this .. other loveless? Where? No.. no Ritsuka.. I just dropped my cigarette.. I didn't set the couch on fire again. My laptop? It.. accidentally hurled itself across the room, yes.. I know it now has a crack worthy of a wiimote.. Anyway to answer your question.. I will kill them! *Ritsuka: Soubi.. you do realise you're talking to a blank screen don't you?* Yes... @_@

And now for something completely different - it's the Soubi-kun quick fire round!! Now I will try to answer as many questions as I can within the next 5 minutes! The people who are holding me hostage promised that if I answer 10 or more questions they'll set me free for one night to take Ritsuka out! Gambatte ne Soubi-kun!

1. **painfull loving hug* why do you have to be so freaking tall?*look up....i think im shortet than ritsuka-chan!!!waaaah...we all luv you sou-kun!_! - From Soubi'sWannaBeGF
I was born this way! *Molested by fangirl.* ; ; Ritsuka's going to kill me!

2. Sou-chan!! Hiii!! When will you take Ritsuka's ears? Have you ever bathed with him or seen him naked? And can you give him a kiss for me? *gives you and Ric-chan a lolipop* - From Hinachi.
Very soon! Like a ninja in the night I will take his ears by stealth! // I wish I had, you've given me inspiration! "Ritsuka-chan~ I've just run you a bath~ *Obliges the group of squealing fangirls by kissing Ritsuka, only to be elbowed in the face and his glasses broken.. again.. at least it keeps his optician and his family fed.*

3. Hey..soubi. Did you liked my drawings.!I am trying to draw you also .I WILL SHOW IT TO YOU SOON!! I have a question for you related to RITSUKA ,from where did you Know his real name " loveless " or who told you ??!! (Hug Ritsuka for me ^_^) - From Sophie-chan.
I'm sorry I didn't get to see your drawings but I'm sure if they were of Ritsuka they would be very cute. YES PLEASE SHOW IT TO ME. I know Ritsuka's name because.. apart from me Ritsuka is Loveless.. no one will have him.. apart from me! He's mine! *Glomps onto the by now dizzy Ritsuka.*

4. konnichiwa, soubi-kun !_! me and my freinds had a question for the all-mighty soubi! of course we all know, you arent into girls and all...but if shinonome-sensei asked you out, what would you say? * hug * - From Selfless.
I would say no! I can't be kicked out of my house again, Ritsuka was jealous enough when I was sent a picture of a semi naked man, how would he react to me dating?!

5. First! One day I will revenge you, for taking Ritsuka away from me... 'Cause in fact, Ritsuka belongs to me, and ONLY me! But I can borrow him to you, 'cause without you the series would be boring. (But his ears are promised to me!) But hey, I'd like to know: Are you ever fantasying about Ritsuka, when you go to sleep? 'Cause I do it very often, and I'd like to know, is it normal? And second, do you ever spy on Ritsuka, when he's in bath, changing his clothes or stuff like that? And last, please give Ritsuka kiss from me. Oh, and I will make Ritsuka hate you... RITSUKA! LISTEN ME! SOUBI DO THINGS WITH YUIKO! I'M THE ONLY ONE, THAT REALLY LOVES YOU! Thanks and bye! ^^ *Kisses* - From Riepu-chan.
WTF? No I don't dream about Ritsuka, I don't have to he's usually curled up beside me! It's only normal for me to dream about him! Stop dreaming about Ritsuka! // Yes I do try to peek in on him when he's in the bath.. he locks the door though. ._. // I don't do things with Yuiko she's a woman! Please believe me Ritsuka! You're the only one I think of! No.. no Ritsuka.. don't leave..

6. Do you like chocolate? - From Alana.
Yes all over Ritsuka, with a nice little cherry and then we'd *censored for the youth that may be watching and terrified by what comes next.*

7. When will you plan to take off Ritsuka's ears? I'm so excited to know when it will occur ^^ Could I hug you? *hugs you* - From Ritsu-sensei.
Why do you want to know? No you can't watch.. Ahh Sensei.. Sensei.. stop touching there, that's not my back and.. this isn't a hug! It will be soon, I shall take Ritsuka as my own as you too..*censored again for the sanity of all involved.*

8. Dear Soubi, if Ritsuka ask you to marry him, would you accept it and who's gonna have the baby?!(Can I have a hug please). - From Ryoko.
Neither of us, we're both men! *Hugs and passes a book about biology.* (Whisper: Ritsuka of course.)

9. How come the scantalations for volume 7 on this site is in Japanese and not in English? Can you help us ask the staff to scantalate it in english... a very very big fan of loveless...and as always, Shoubi, you are hott. - From TaintedxLover.
I asked them and they said they don't know enough to translate it! Please be patient though, when they find a copy that has been scanlated I'm sure they'll put it up on the site! I heard if you keep poking them, because they're volatile, they might explode!

10. The following questions are all from Shimoku.
SOUBI! *glomp*
okay, i'm done.
question 1:: if you had a chance, would you take ritsuka's ears?
question 2:: is your vision truly bad or do you just wear those glasses to increase your already flaming smexiness?
I find it hard to read without them but I also enjoy their smexy giving properties!
question 3:: how many years of training from Ritsu-sensei did it take to become as pain-tolerant as you are?
At least 6 - or so he said.. I think he just liked whipping me.
&& finally...
question 4:: if semei ever returned (which i hope to God he doesn't) && ordered you to stop loving Ritsuka, could you do it? (DIE SEMEI DIE WE HATE YOU i mean, cough cough)


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